A.d.i.d.a.s – All day I dream about se…..wing!

It is 11:30pm ish on a Tuesday night. And I can’t sleep. Partially as my mind is abuzz with the things I need to do at the salt mine tomorrow (aka the 9 to 5 job), but mostly, because I know what I would rather be doing tomorrow….. Sewing!

While my day job provides enough satisfaction (and monetary reward) for me to stay, I wish there was more useable time in the day for the things that I enjoy. Recently, I turned 30, and with that came the cliche evaluation of one’s life to that point, along with a compiled list entitled “thirty things to achieve in my thirties”. I will incorporate it into a future entry, but the general theme of its accomplishments strive for a life maximising on my strengths and passions.

Starting with this blog. Ok, in reality, the blog was midway down somewhere, but it realised that I could make a start towards the goals while sleepless on a Tuesday ๐Ÿ™‚

Sew chooks and chickens alike, (see what I did there), I will be striving for more regular and engaging content about sewing, achieving goals, and living your passion.

Fabric swatches and bobbins have begun dancing in my head, and my fingers have commenced a lazy slow dance with the keyboard, sew on that stitch, I bid you good night.

Stitches n such,
Xx the chick

Online store is live!

Our online store is now live, thanks to the amazing craft community Etsy.

Our brand, Pollymop is the brainchild of one of the chooks (aka my mum) with ‘tech support’ from the chick (aka me).

Currently only shipping within Australia at this stage, but would love your feedback on current listings if you are outside Oz!

Crafter-noon on Saturday! Project still to be determined!

Stitches n such,
The chick

A humble beginning

As I start this, I immediately realise I am procrastinating.

Right now, I should be working on a university assignment.

The assignment is to utilise social media to research a topic, and critique its success in providing information.

My topic? Handmade and up-cycled craft.
Why? Because it is what I would rather be doing!!

In the midst of compiling the essay about the use of social media and blogging in the craft community, I thought – I spend a ridiculous amount of time online, I should be part if this!

So, in an attempt to join the forever expanding world-wide-webiverse and return a contribution to the crafting community, I have joined the blogging ranks!

I am still increasing my skills in sewing from an amazing woman, my mother. She has been sewing most of her life and is extremely talented and creative, and I can only hope I can persevere to become as talented as she is.

Why 2 chooks and a chick?

My mother, my aunt and I were having a “crafternoon” / “Stitch ‘n’ bitch” kind of a day, and in amongst the silliness, my mum and aunty said something about how daggy they were. I challenged them on that, and told them it would be quite a sight to see “Two old chooks and a chick” out on the town. And a name was born – although, it was voted that the term “old” be removed ๐Ÿ˜‰

Where to from here?

I’m hoping to utilise this platform to demonstrate the creativity of these geniuses that I have the privilege(or curse)ย of being related, and my lessons that may benefit others.


Stay tuned for the evolution ๐Ÿ™‚